The Trinidad and Tobago Nurses Association of America, Inc.
Cordially invite you to the 49th Anniversary Luncheon & the 28th Annual Scholarship Grant Award
You can participate in the Souvenir Journal Ad
You can participate in the Raffles
We would be honored to have you join us at the Venue
After reading our blog you can donate to the Organization Fund Raiser.
Acknowledgment and Disclaimer of Tickets
I Donna Richards, September 4, 2017. Author of the blog Grace Medical Profession aka Is giving this documents to state facts regarding the purchase of On-Line tickets to the venue described therein:
I, Donna Richards am sponsoring this page to assist my mother who is being Recognized by the Association at the 49th Anniversary Luncheon by offering the Tickets and Raffles of the venue to be purchase On-Line.
Offer to Purchase Tickets on the blog to the:
Trinidad and Tobago Nurses Association of America, Inc.
Donation: $110.00
Date Sunday, September 17th, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
We would be honored and delighted to have the venue filled to capacity.
If you would honor us with your presence, we ask that you be considerate and inform us of your intent to join us.
For your convenience you can purchase your ticket on-line through our e-commerce account.
We would appreciate at least 2 to 3 days, notice before the day of the Venue; of your intent to join us.
Upon purchasing an On-Line ticket, you can expect a call from me Donna Richards within 1 to 2 hours, after your purchase.
I will be thanking to you, welcoming you and acquainting myself with you.
If your purchase is unable to be processed, please:
Contact me at (347) 776-0868
Email me at:
I will contact you immediately.
Your purchase assures receipt of an electronic transaction.
My Call confirms that I have received your request to join us at the 49th Annual Luncheon.
My Call further confirms a seat for you at the venue.
I will email a statement of confirmation to you which you can present at the door.
Your name will be given to the Association.
Your actual ticket will be held at the Door.
Part of the ticket will be given back to you for a door prize drawing.
You are purchasing this ticket to the Venue; under the patronage of Grace Richards. An awardee at the Venue.
Your payment will be given to the Association in accordance to how they receive payments to the Venue.
If your payment has been received and you cannot attend the venue.
I would appreciate a call 24 hours in advance to inform the Association of the cancelation.
I would issue a refund to you from the Pay Pal account.
If after purchasing your ticket; you do not inform me of your inability to attend the Venue; a REFUND will not be given.
As you realize the CATERERS and the ASSOCIATION will consider the plate used.
I hope this Disclaimer serves to clarify areas of concern you may have about your On- Line purchase of tickets to the Trinidad and Tobago Nurses Association of American, Inc. 49th Anniversary Luncheon.
Should I be privilege to have your eyes on this page, I sincerely thank you for your diligence in reading this far….Thank you for honoring me with your time.
I ask for further indulgence of your time, I hope you would examine our blog. At the inception of the blog, it’s necessary to lay the foundation of the blog. However, although the blog is categorized Medical, I will be extending the blog to all members of the Association for unique content of interest in health related subjects.
I will especially be inviting readers to participate in related matters of health, which can be beneficial to us as a community a body of people.
Again I thank you for your present acknowledgment to read our Disclaimer page, if you live in the area we would appreciate your patronage and we look forward to having you as a guest writer of our blog.

Donna Richards author of the blog Grace Medical Profession
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