Acknowledgment and Disclaimer of Raffle Tickets
I Donna Richards, September 4, 2017. Author of the blog Grace Medical Profession aka Is giving this documents to state facts regarding the purchase of On-Line RAFFLE TICKETS to the venue described therein:
I, Donna Richards am sponsoring this page to assist my mother who is being recognized by the Association at the 49th Anniversary Luncheon by offering Tickets and Raffles of the venue to be purchase On-Line.
Offer to Purchase RAFFLE TICKETS on the blog to the:
Trinidad and Tobago Nurses Association of America, Inc.
Donation: $1.00 Per Ticket . Book of 6: $5.00
Date Sunday, September 17th, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Winners need not be present to win
1st PRIZE……………………………………….$500.00
2ND PRIZE……………………………………..$300.00
3RD PRIZE…………………………………….$200.00
In the Raffle page, I ask your patronage to assist us by purchasing:
A Raffle book for $5.00
The purchase of the RAFFLE TICKET is to raise fund for the Trinidad and Tobago Nurses Association of America, Inc.
Money raises through the sale of Raffle Tickets, assist the Association in a variety of projects mainly:
The Annual Scholarship Grant Awards
During the course of the year, the Association sponsors many fund raising venues:
Selling Food, Bus Rides to Atlantic City, International Conferences and Selling Raffle Tickets. To raise money to Sponsor the Scholarship Program and other Events held by the Association.
Each year the Educational Committee within the Association awards 3, scholarship to recipient’s within the community, with a substantial Certified check as needed to assist with tuition for that semester.
- Candidates must be enrolled in College.
- Preferable within the Junior to the Senior year of graduation.
- Candidates must have a grade point average of 3.5 and above.
- Candidates must be interviewed by the Educational Committee.
The Committed looks for characteristics of:
Diligence, Integrity, Passion for Education, Religious Devotion, Loyalty to family and Community. Most importantly they look for candidates whose values reflects the Integrity of the Association. Hopefully, in the future the recipients of the awards would show appreciation by join the Association to continue the spirit of strength within the community.
Parents make investments in their children. For the past 49 years the Association has invested tremendously within the West Indian community. The last 28 years the Association has invested heavily in the education of students within the community; the future leaders of tomorrow. The Association views the monetary token as a seed of greatness, an investment sown within the medical community to maintain a strong and a stronger community in the future.
As my mother Grace Richards is being recognized this year by the Association. As her only child, Gracie and I are not Socialites, neither am I a Diva neither active nor passive.
My only asset is the understanding of the power of the Internet, more importantly I have a fair understanding of Internet Marketing. Therefore, I’m making a brave attempt, I’m striking a blow to assist my Mom as much as possible.
Note I’m not a professional Internet Marketer, I simply have a fair understanding of the process. Therefore, I’m relying upon the content in the blog, your generosity and understanding of the purpose of my intent to assist in the cause of raising funds for the Association.
On the E-Commerce page we are offering Raffle tickets, we hope this page gives you an understanding of the overall goal of the Association and especially of my unusual intent to sell Raffle tickets beyond the realm of our circle of friends. Instead to viewers like you who can examine the full content of the blog I designed for my Mom, hoping that the content would resonate a personal interest that can be of true value to you. Making the blog of personal value worthy of your time, interest and your financial support of this page and the blog in a tremendous way beneficial to all.
“The true measure of success is not material or financial accumulation, but making others successful.” By Mkosana Mtolo

Donna Richards author of the blog Grace Medical Profession
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